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Sauna Detox 101

Looking for a way to remove toxins from the body?

  • 45 minutes
  • 75 US dollars
  • East Washington Avenue

Service Description

A sauna detox session is one of the safest and most effective method for inducing a detoxifying sweat. In sauna detox, your body sweats out numerous toxins, including dead skin cells, oils, dirt, bacteria, and other toxic substances through pores. How can this help me? And what are the benefits? *Helps break down fat cells *Remove/Flushes toxins *Raise white blood cells What this service requires... First things 1st. Are you making sure to drink WATER? Water is the #1 way to remove ALL the toxins from your body.

Cancellation Policy

$15 non-refundable deposit to confirm your appointment that will go towards your total. I have a 15-minute grace period, or your appointment will be canceled.

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